Stories of Strength
Stories of Strength
Get to know caregivers from the Walking With Warriors community
Get to know caregivers from the Walking With Warriors community
Meet some amazing caregivers of people with sickle cell disease (SCD). Each one has generously shared a piece of their story. They hope to provide insight and inspiration to others going through a similar experience.
Meet some amazing caregivers of people with sickle cell disease (SCD). Each one has generously shared a piece of their story. They hope to provide insight and inspiration to others going through a similar experience.

Meet Elsa
The Balancing Act of Being a Caregiver
Get to know Elsa, mother of a young Warrior. Read more of her story and how she balances the role of caregiver with other parts of her life.
Get to know Elsa, mother of a young Warrior. Read more of her story and how she balances the role of caregiver with other parts of her life.

Meet Dianne
Supporting Her Warrior
Each Step of the Way
There’s nothing Dianne wouldn’t do for her Warrior granddaughter, including changing careers to better care for her. Read how Dianne’s determination has helped her support her Warrior every step of the way.
There’s nothing Dianne wouldn’t do for her Warrior granddaughter, including changing careers to better care for her. Read how Dianne’s determination has helped her support her Warrior every step of the way.