Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design and three graphic tiles Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design and three graphic tiles

Stories of Strength

Get to know caregivers from the Walking With Warriors community

Meet some amazing caregivers of people with sickle cell disease (SCD). Each one has generously shared a piece of their story. They hope to provide insight and inspiration to others going through a similar experience.

Scroll down to read their stories.

Female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior posed with hand on hip and surrounded by a colorful mosaic design Female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior posed with hand on hip and surrounded by a colorful mosaic design

Meet Elsa — The Balancing Act of Being a Caregiver

Get to know Elsa, mother of a young Warrior. Read more of her story and how she balances the role of caregiver with other parts of her life.

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Headshot of a male caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior with one hand on his chest, surrounded by a colorful mosaic design Headshot of a male caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior with one hand on his chest, surrounded by a colorful mosaic design

Meet Andre — The Eternal Caregiver

Read what Andre learned as a father and caregiver to a Warrior and what the SCD community still means to him.

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Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design

Meet Marqué — A Matriarch on a Mission

Mother and caregiver Marqué shares some heartfelt insight on what it’s like to empower young Warriors and watch them take on some of their medical responsibilities.

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Female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design Female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design

Meet Dianne — Supporting Her Warrior Each Step of the Way

There's nothing Dianne wouldn't do for her Warrior granddaughter, including changing careers to better care for her. Read how Dianne's determination has helped her support her Warrior every step of the way.

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Female caregiver of 2 sickle cell disease Warriors, and her daughter, surrounded by a colorful mosaic design Female caregiver of 2 sickle cell disease Warriors, and her daughter, surrounded by a colorful mosaic design

Meet Jaimee and Mariana — The Dynamic Duo

Two of Jaimee's three children are SCD Warriors. The third? A determined young girl, Mariana, who always looks out for her brothers. Read how Mariana's helpful role in her family has had a big impact.

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Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by a colorful mosaic design

Meet Keonsha — Building a Legacy of Strength

Read how caregiver Keonsha nurtured her teenage daughter into becoming a Warrior who advocates for herself.

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Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by colorful mosaic tiles
Headshot of a female caregiver of a sickle cell disease Warrior surrounded by colorful mosaic tiles